CONCRETE PAVING Contractors, Dallas / Houston
From highways, airports, streets, roads & parking lots all the way to industrial and commercial pavements, concrete is an incredibly versatile product. Pavement Services are the experts in concrete pavement options in and around Dallas-Fort & Houston. Concrete has the ability to withstand tons of weight while maintaining its structural integrity. Concrete is made from a mixture of cement, aggregate stone, and water, and is the most used man-made material in the world. Concrete is also 100% recyclable, so instead of filling up our landfills, it can be broken down and used in new pavement.
The convenience of connecting rural and urban areas to increase personal and commercial mobility, concrete pavements are used to maximize and preserve our nation's highway system. Local roads and streets also benefit from concrete pavement due to being more durable than asphalt paved roadways. Streets and roads paved in concrete are less likely to have potholes and are better for preventing automobile skidding - resulting in fewer accidents. Concrete also requires less preventative maintenance than asphalt.

Concrete Paving Services Dallas-Fort Worth Houston

Curbs are an essential part of functional parking lots and roadways. Their ability to create a barrier from the sidewalk and roads, help contain water runoff from freely flowing and creating a hazard. Curbs act as an effective root barrier for sod and seeded grasses aiding in visual aesthetics of your concrete structures. Having well-maintained curbs allow for a professional appearance to add value to your property.
Concrete Sidewalk Paving

In addition to concrete curbs, having concrete paved sidewalks are an integral part of maintaining the safety of pedestrians. Concrete's ability to withstand decades of foot traffic provides an easier and much more pleasant travel for those on foot or bicycle. Retail shopping centers, hospitals, local eateries and apartment complexes, can each benefit from concrete sidewalks to direct patrons and customers to their locations while creating a safe form of navigation.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides Wheelchair Ramp Specification, code and handicap access guidelines that businesses are required to meet. This legislation was passed into law in 1990 and requires most businesses, churches, and schools to be in compliance to best accommodate American's who are physically incapacitated and/or unable to use stairs. Pavement Services has years of experience and knowledge of installing ADA compliant ramps for our customers.